V.L.I.G., 2012, Artefact herproductie 2016

© Frouke Wiarda

V.L.I.G., 2012, Artefact herproductie 2016

Marije Baalman

V.L.I.G. is a sound installation in which you are invited to lie down and look at a kite, while hearing the sound of its line in the sky. Mounted on the kite are sensors to measure the flow of the wind, the pressure on the cloth, the turbulence of the tail, and the acceleration of the movement. The data from the sensors is transmitted wirelessly to a computer where it is used in algorithms to transform the sound picked up by a contact microphone on the line. Meditative or eventful, the live experience is completely dependent upon the steady or unsteady flow of the wind.

In the context of Artefact 2016: Up in the Air, V.L.I.G. was adapted to be presented on the roof of and the Queens balcony of STUK.

Marije Baalman (NL)
°1978, Pingjum
Marije Baalman is  a Dutch artist, living and working in Amsterdam. In her artistic work Baalman moves between live performance, livecoding, and interactive installations involving light and sound. Her focus is on composing behaviours and interaction modalities, creating processes driven by sensor data, rather than fixed sound tracks. To realise her works she uses open source technology (software and hardware) and she is an active contributor to the open source community. Marije Baalman has a diverse background in physics, acoustics, electronic music and sound art, and performance.

STUK Binnenplein
Fri 12 Feb 201614:00 - 17:00
Sat 13 Feb 201614:00 - 17:00
Sun 14 Feb 201614:00 - 17:00
Fri 19 Feb 201614:00 - 17:00
Sat 20 Feb 201614:00 - 17:00
Sun 21 Feb 201614:00 - 17:00


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