Courtesy the artist and Harris Lieberman, New York
“This project uses as its source material Walker Evans' "killed"
negatives from the Farm Security Administration’s (FSA) photographic
archive in the U.S. Library of Congress. The term "killed" refers to images
in the archive that were not intended to be published or printed and
therefore had holes punched through the negative. I printed up the original
hole-punched negatives and attempted to think of the hole as a generative
space, a space to look through a historical image into the present. I then
photographed in color what I thought might be missing and printed only the
‘hole’ in an otherwise black sheet of photographic paper. In some
instances, I photographed two possible interpretations of the missing hole.
The photographs, either in pairs or triples, hang together. This project
also refers to Sherrie Levine’s re-photographing of similar Evans
photographs in her seminal 1981 project, After Walker
- Lisa Oppenheim -