Dark Source shows the inner workings of a commercial electronic
voting machine, the Diebold AccuVote-TSTM touch-screen voting terminal that
has recently been adopted in many U.S. states. What you see here is a
representation of the software program that runs inside this machines. To
be specific, it is a printout of version 4.3.1 of the AccuVote-TSTM source
code — 49,609 lines of C++. 720 pages of the printout are suspended, and
several hundred additional pages can be accessed on microfiche.
Calling its source code a trade secret, Diebold has asserted its
proprietary interest in protecting its intellectual property. Therefore the
code, which had been obtained over the internet following a 2002 security
failure at Diebold, has been blacked out in its entirety in order to comply
with trade secrecy laws.
What is on display, then, is not the forbidden source code, but rather the
state of affairs in which we find ourselves today, one in which the
critical infrastructure of democracy in the United States is becoming
privately owned, and being private, is also being made secret.