Not only people but also bots, search engines and spiders abide by laws and agreements. Whether we email, surf or chat, rules and regulations have an effect on our daily lives and on the way we  move in public space. Which social behavior do governments, companies and regulators project on machines? What is the social contract written into standards and technological infrastructure?

In Connection Protocols, the Brussels-based arts lab Constant gathers research material on how people, machines and environments connect with each other. This collage  of artworks, notes, manuals, instructions, images and texts can be read as a publication that will be edited 'live' during the festival period. With this living collection that moves along the stairs of STUK, Constant tries to  balance 'soft' factors such as attraction, affection, similarity and curiosity with the prescriptive and indisputable character of formatting, contracts and 'terms of use' documents.

- Thu 16-2
** ACTA worksession between 15 and 19hs with Nicolas Malevé
** Kitchain between 18 and 22hs with Femke Snelting and Kate Rich

- Fri 17-2:
** ACTA worksession between 15 and 19hs with Nicolas Malevé

- Sat 18-2
** - Funzie Fonzie Readingmachine: 14h and 16h, short presentations by Michael Korntheuer (scanbot) and Pierre Marchand (Fonzie OCR)
** Open Source Body at 15 and 17hs with Laia Sadurní

- Sun 19-2
** Open Source Body at 15 and 17hs with Laia Sadurní

- Wed 22-2
** !Co LAPseKoDe: demo between 17h and 19h by An Mertens